Supplier > Contact Details > Web Address (Hyperlinked)

When looking at a Supplier card the Contact Details that show at present are;

  • Contact Name
  • Phone
  • E-Mail

But in the Supplier record there are also;

  • Web Address
  • Fax Number

Not so interested with the Fax Number, but the Web Address would be much more usefully placed as part of the visible Supplier card.

Also, the size of the field to enter a Web Address is not big enough, fifty characters is rather small. I have used the facilty of to craate short web-address for the suppliers with addresses too long to fit in the box, a little larger would be useful.

To have the Web Address of a Supplier on their card with perhaps an option to hyperlink the address so they act as “bookmarks” would be a useful feature that would improve the contact details of suppliers.


I agree with this please add the “web address” to to the visible supplier card.

This is very similar to what I would also like to see on the “client/customer” visible card…

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Yes please!

This facility would be great in the supplier and customer areas.

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Would love to see/hear any further input on this. Seems like a relatively simple implementation which would be great for both customers/clients and suppliers

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A similar request to the above: Would it be possible to have more than one email contact for a supplier? With only one, my remittance confirmations go to their sales team etc. It would be good to have one email address for each, contact, sales and remittance. It would also be good to have a blank area we could put a note about the supplier, same on the customer side too.

You can add your vote on this existing feature request.

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It would be useful to be able to customise the customer card so that is displays the fields you need to see at a glance. eg EORI Number. It would also be useful to be able to add a customer’s VAT number which you need went shipping items into the EU.

It would be very useful to have the supplier web address visible as a column in “view suppliers” screen.

It is very common to have to visit a supplier website to download an invoice but currently you have to:

  • click “view suppliers”
  • click on the supplier to view the supplier record
  • click “Modify Supplier Details”
  • finally, click “Contact Info”

Unless I’ve missing something, this is a very convoluted path just to get the Web Address.

But generally I find Quickfile excellent and easy-to-use.