Quickfile is not syncing receipts from my dropbox folder to my receipt hub. Can anyone please help me on this?
I’ve just done a manual download on your account but it doesn’t reveal any files. Are you sure you’ve connected QF to the correct Dropbox account? If you have any doubts, disconnect and reconnect, making sure to check the email address on the activation stage.
Thanks Glenn
I have reconnected dropbox, and it works when I upload from camscanner, but not when I copy and paste a pdf on my PC
How to files originate in DropBox shouldn’t affect QuickFile. Are they being put into the Apps/Quick File Receipts/ folder on the PC version?
yes I paste them in the same folder that sync to receipt hub
They should be uploading, but as @Glenn mentions above there’s nothing being shown on our end.
Have you tried disconnecting and reconnecting it? Are you putting the files into subfolders? Do the files added on the PC show up on the web version and/or your mobile version?
yeah I reconnected it, but still no joy. I have looked at the web version and mobile and the files show up.
it’s just the Copy and paste/drag and drop uploading in cam scanner works fine
Are you able to post a screenshot of where you are putting the files? It’s possible you may be putting them in the wrong folder?
Also take a look at this checklist:
Hi Glenn
i have taken a screen shot but its not uploading. do you have an email address i can send it to?
I’ve sent you a private message with an email you can send the screenshot to.