Tag/Categorise Clients & Suppliers

When there are many different types of clients and suppliers it would be helpful to be able to categorise them and use this within search

Typical use case
When viewing clients and suppliers add an extra column to show the category and a search option so they can be sorted by category e.g. donors, grant makers, etc

How I would expect it to work
A tag or category field is added to the client/supplier edit screen
When multiple clients/suppliers are ticked in the list there is an ‘update tags’ button that allows bulk adding of tags to them
When lists of clients/suppliers are shown a column shows the tag/category and Search has an option to search by tag/category
Adding a Supplier Ref prefix to each tag would allow different ranges of supplier/client ref number

As a quickfix you could Modify the Supplier Record and in the Supplier Reference Field input your own Supplier Reference such as DONOR0001, DONOR0002, GRANT0001, GRANT0002 and so on.
The Supplier file Search Facility can the be used by inputting donor in the Supplier Ref field.
Please check with QF Support that overtyping their Generic Supplier Ref (SUP0000001 etc) will not have any behind the scenes repurcussuions.

I had already started doing that but it’s a bit of a hassle. It would be easier if there was an auto increment of the number for each prefix. Manually remembering where I have got to with different categories across hundreds of records is not easy