No qualifying purchases could be found to refund against. Make sure the corresponding purchase has been logged before you attempt to process this refund.
And yet the Purchase is in the statement
6076 26NOV15 , 8007160705 US , REFUND
6076 17NOV15 , 8007160705 US
Can I confirm that you have a USD purchase invoice recorded, and you are trying to enter a credit against this invoice?
Regardless of the currency, you can go into the invoice itself, select More Options and select Credit Note.
It will enter another refund transaction in your bank account entries, but if it’s a duplicate you can safely delete the untagged one - as long as the bank balance is correct afterwards, you’ll be fine.
Thanks for the advice, however, there is a bank transaction recorded for the purchase (6076 17NOV15 , 8007160705 US), so surely I should be able to tag the refund (6076 26NOV15 , 8007160705 US , REFUND) against the purchase.
Both are listed at the same £ cost, so my understanding was that tagging a refund against a purchase theoretical balances the bank, is this correct?
6076 26NOV15 , 8007160705 US , REFUND
6076 17NOV15 , 8007160705 US
The recorded value on each is the same in Pound Sterling, I have a receipt for both, so I scanned them in to QF. The purchase has a receipt tagged against it, the refund is in the receipt hub waiting to be tagged.
However, as I have reported when I go to tag the refund I get: No qualifying purchases could be found to refund against. Make sure the corresponding purchase has been logged before you attempt to process this refund.
Can someone please advise on the correct method on tagging a refund against a purchase, e.g. tagging, receipt hub etc
As there may be a time later that the same thing happens.
The initial £135 payment is tagged to purchase #QF00199, even though the payment on the bank is 19th November, the invoice date is 30th November. The refund on the bank for £135 is dated 27th November which predates the invoice, so it’s not appearing. Basically because it can’t refund an invoice before the actual invoice was raised.
A quick fix is to just edit purchase #QF00199 and change it’s date to 19th November to match when the payment was made. You should then have no problem tagging the refund.