Tagging difficulties

In the banking report it shows 2 line items for what is the same thing. One is tagged, the other isn’t.
The amounts are identical, but they happen to be 2 days apart, and the reference is slightly different - but they are for the same (single) purchase.

When I try to tag the untagged payment the Menu option offers a Payment to a Supplier . . . but doesn’t find the purchase. It then offers me the opportunity to create a new invoice - there is no second invoice because the 2 line items relate to the same thing.

I have looked at the other topics on this issue, and all seem much more complicated than the issue is - its simply 2 line items for the same single purchase . . . but I can’t see how to record the two line items for what is 1 purchase.

How many times did you actually pay? Is it one (real) payment appearing twice or two part-payments for one £92.74 purchase?

If the former then just delete the untagged entry and adjust the date of the tagged one to match your bank statement (or delete the tagged one and then tag the other in the normal way).

If the latter then “pay down multiple…” should allow you to locate the half-paid purchase and assign to that.

From the wording in your screenshot I suspect what happened here is you created the purchase through the receipt hub and marked it as paid there (which created the “payment to X” entry), then a couple of days later the card payment came through on your bank feed. Generally speaking, if you’re using a bank feed then you should not tick the “paid” box on the receipt hub for anything you pay by card or bank transfer, instead leave them unpaid and then tag the payment once it shows on the bank side.

Your last paragraph is absolutely correct - I have been entering a purchase through the receipt hub and marking it as paid at the point of entering the purchase - I didn’t realise I shouldn’t have been doing that. Thank you.

There are pros and cons to doing it either way - marking it paid there and then means it shows as paid on your purchases list and you have a more up to date record of what you actually owe (rather than what you owe plus what hasn’t yet cleared from the bank), but it means you have to delete things from the bank feed when they appear later; not marking it paid means your bank feed is easier to reconcile later. So it really depends how up-to-the-minute you need your books to be.

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