Tagging income to different projects


I run a Theatre Company and need help to organise my projects. I want to use quickfile for the tagging of projects, however, I am becoming unstuck when wanting to ‘transfer’ from one project to another

I have my main bank account, containing everything in and out, we obtain funding and use it for different projects and sometimes we have money over from projects in invest into other projects

currently I have £850 brought froward from '14-'15 and have received £400 for a specific project, the invoice to which is tagged as ‘Safe Mode’ at the end of the Safe Mode project we made £550 profit. My bank account now stands at £1300, having paid for office supplies.

My question is, I would now like to allocate £350 of this money to another project, as it is self funded, how do I separate this amount in order to tag it to the new project?

Thank you

Project tags are attached to invoices and currently there’s no facility to apportion x amount of that invoice to a given project, the only way is to split the invoice into two.

There are some updates planned for Projects, this ability to apportion amounts was one such feature that has come up in the past and is something we’ll look at when we have the time.

Here is the open feature request for apportioning project tags. We will update this thread in due course.

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