Our First PayPal Payment…
One of our clients have paid their invoice via PayPal.
We had set-up a monthly recurring invoice (without any handling charge) but had set-up a handling charge on PayPal. The PayPal Feed Settings was set to default “Create and allocate to clients based on their PayPal email address”.
We were then notified of a transaction at PayPal and so we “Import Today’s PayPal Transactions” and had set QF to handle the tagging. QF marked the invoice as “Paid” and tagged it to the appropriate account but then created an new invoice and tagged it to a new client name (email address and PayPal client name)
I am confused should I have marked the “Leave the tagging to me” and the “Ignore transfers to bank (prevents duplication)”. How do I rectify the situation?
I believe I have resolved it myself…
The new invoice is a payment to the holding account and when the payment is reconciled in the bank account that will be tagged to the holding account.
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