I received notification that the customers DD had failed.
I then received my pay outs for that day and it showed the said customer making the payment followed by a negative transaction of the same amount.
On Quick File the customers invoice is paid and Go Cardless displays the following message: “This late failed payment has been settled against a payout”.
Does this mean the person has not paid and i should detag the transaction? Or have they paid.
Hi, in the go Cardless account it shows “This late failed payment has been settled against a payout” and the invoice is closed. It also shows as a debit in a separate section following the credit. After physically checking the bank account and i confirm the payment isn’t there do i just untag the transaction on the customers profile?
If you have not yet received the money I would leave it un-tagged until you can confirm that the money has been received.
If you haven’t received the money in a few days it might be worth contacting the customer and explain that you have had a notification of a failed direct debit and if they could check their account?