on my homepage, it shows my total invoiced and received for September, this amount in my profit and loss report is showing as almost £1000 less!?
any ideas please?
on my homepage, it shows my total invoiced and received for September, this amount in my profit and loss report is showing as almost £1000 less!?
any ideas please?
Are you VAT registered?
The figure on the dashboard will include VAT, but on the P&L it will show NET.
ah yes, we are VAT registered so that makes sense. How about the amounts on the P&L report for general sales? what effect will VAT have on that please?
When a VAT invoice is raised it will make the following postings:
As you can see £100 goes to General sales (a P&L code) and £20 goes to Sales Tax Control (A balance sheet code). So the £20 VAT doesn’t feature on the P&L at all but as a liability on your balance sheet (i.e. it needs to be paid to HMRC).
Not sure if that answers your question?