
We now have a beta TransferWise Open Banking feed. We’ve been testing this on our own account, but we’d like to get some other users involved.

We can selectively enable the TransferWise feed option, please just message me or @QFMathew with your QuickFile account number and we’ll get that activated on your account.

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Can you enable the Transferwise feed option for me please?

Here’s my account number 6131533461



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I can’t see how to message you but I’d also like to test it. My username is james.galbraith (at)

Just click on Support Team and then on message.

Hi @James_Galbraith,

TransferWise should be widely available now, however please feel free to send a private message to @QFSupport with your account number and we can double check that you can access

The feed is working for me, but I only get a single transaction for a transfer/conversion e.g. “Moved To your GBP balance USD 3000”, but what I actually need is separate fee split and transfer (fee of USD 12.84 + 2987.16 actually converted) so I can tag charges to supplier transferwise.

Looking at the Transferwise openbanking API there are 2 options Embedded (default) /Fee Split (recommended for account software providers) []. It seems QF are using the former. Is there some way to get the fee split into QF by configuring the feed in QF, or can the option used in the API be updated?

The Transferwise Open Banking implementation is actually quite different to that of any other bank, due to the way currency charges are handled. It’s likely these option were added after we built the initial feed for TW.

If you can message @QFSupport with the specific transaction details we can definitely look into this for you. I can’t promise changes will be imminent, but it’s something we’ll explore further.

@QFSupport Can you also enable the beta TransferWise feed for myself?

Hi @Bart,

This is live now, so if you have a Bank Feed Subscription then you should be able to set up the feed, there is no need to be added to the Beta test anymore.

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Can I add a feed to my exisiting TW Merchant Bank account?

Hi @nicwo

Providing you have a bank feed subscription, you should be able to add the feed.

TransferWise feeds are generally available now.

Thanks for quick response.

In the Bank Management screen, each of the General Bank Accounts have an option to select Bank Feed settings (under Options).The Merchant Accounts do not have this option.

I guess I can set up new accounts for all my existing TW accounts, but it might be nicer to just convert them to General Bank Accounts. Is this possible?

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On these accounts, do you see the TransferWise logo, or is it more generic?

If you see a generic logo, you will need to change this so it’s set as TransferWise. This can be done by going to More Options >> Settings

This is what i see… Account type is Merchant, and I can’t change that.

Hi @nicwo,

If you go to view the individual bank accounts at the top you will have the option to activate the bank feed:

Hope this helps

Ok, I found out how to do this - I can not set up the feed but from Bank Management screen, but I can change it from the Statement screen, under Options.