Unable to edit "paid from" on a paid purchase

I would like to be able to edit the Paid From option on a paid invoice. I recorded the first few purchases as Debit/Credit card etc. I would like to edit this to show “proprietor drawings” - is this possible?

Hi @planetnatura

Welcome to the QuickFile community!

Are you referring to the payment method or the bank account it the payment was tagged from?

hi - thank you Matthew

It’s the “Paid From” account that’s of interest. I’ve tried to attach a screen shot, not sure if this has worked.

Thank you


Hi @planetnatura

That’s great - thanks.

At the top of the invoice, you’ll see a link for the payment(s) assigned with the invoice, similar to this:
If you click on the payment link it will display the details relating this. In the top right corner you will see the date, reference, bank account and payment method. Click the little pencil next to the account to change it:

Hope that helps! :slight_smile:

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Perfect. Thank you - all sorted.

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