Unable to insert new bank transactions

I have been unable to insert bank transactions since 27-Aug-2024, using the endpoint https://api.quickfile.co.uk/1_2/bank/createtransaction

Last worked successfully on 23-Aug-2024.

If I try to insert a transaction right now, on 31-Aug-2024, for the date 27-Aug-2024.
I get an error response:

Transaction (date=2024-08-27, amount=-49380.00, reference=ABC) cannot be inserted for a future date.

even though the date 27-Aug is not in the future for 31-Aug

exact payload example for 27-Aug:

"{'Header': {'MessageType': 'Request', 'SubmissionNumber': '20240831225939954581', 'Authentication': {'AccNumber': '6131534945', 'MD5Value': '738f47a7df66efeb6fbc9c5d8a80d6d8', 'ApplicationID': '0ad63bde-dd1d-460e-a26e-bbbd3c3ee8cb'}}, 'Body': {'Transaction': {'BankNominalCode': '1200', 'Date': '2024-07-27', 'Reference': 'ABC - QF00512 2021-10', 'Notes': 'ABC - QF00512 2021-10', 'Amount': '-49380.0'}, 'DuplicateFilterOn': 'true'}}"

Same for me. Last successful bank trx I could create through the API was on 27/08/24. Since then I receive the error ‘Transaction (trx details) cannot be inserted for a future date’ when trying to create bank transactions from a week ago. Creating/modifying invoices with a past date through the API still work fine.

Thank you for reporting this.

I have asked the development team to look into the issue for you

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I am also having this exact same problem. I have a list of new transactions, all of which are in the past, none of which import, all with the error “cannot be inserted for a future date.”

This has been working without issue for YEARS until now!

Please advise on resolution time as I would really like to get my VAT return done.


I don’t know if a fix has been applied your side, but this is now working again for me.

Also working here. Thanks

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It’s working again for me as well now.
@QFSteve, could you please confirm if this was something that was fixed on your side?
Or did it magically start working again. Just so we know that if there was no fix, then we need to look out that this issue could come back again

Hello @p4rasite

I can confirm, the development team made some changes to fix the issue.

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