'Unreconciled items' indicators

Feature request for consideration:

A numerical indicator showing the number of unreconciled (untagged) items in a given bank account. To be shown against each bank account on the dashboard.

Use case: Prevents manual checking of each and every account for uneconciled items when unnecessary; also gives an indication of the amount of work pending there at a glance.

Thanks for consideration,


Hi @soligram

Can I just clarify this request, if that’s OK?

We currently show this on the bank overview, similar to the below -

Was there somewhere else you wanted to see this?

Hi @QFMathew

Thanks for the quick response.

What I’m thinking is that data, but displayed on the bank account chips (to the left of the balance graph) on the dashboard.

Hi @QFMathew

Did you see my reply?

Hi @soligram

Apologies - I did miss it! Thanks for the suggestion.

We’ll leave this thread open for other users to add their vote to support it :slight_smile:

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@QFMathew That’s great, thanks very much