Hi I am new to quickfile.
I have customers out of EU and have to issue USD sales invoices.
I am getting stuck at the moment needing help.
Say if I raise a sales invoice for 10K USD , and do not want to show a sterling amount on the invoice
(for a foreign currency invoice, it automatically shows an exchange rate and will show sterling amount as well), how do I just show USD amount? -
This invoice has already been paid but short of 23 dollars of bank charge, how do I log the payment? partial payment? (which is not actually). but if full payment the figures wont match.
When I log the payment, it shows partial payment which is because of the short amount of bank charge or different exchange rate at different days, how do I change it to full payment.
I issue USD invoice, but received sterling amount into my bank , how do I reconcile it? cos the figures don’t match, the exhcnage rates XE and my banks, what shall I do?
thanks in advance