Value added tax ec sales list

I would like to send my VALUE ADDED TAX EC SALES LIST online via quickfile, but I cannot do it and I receive this message:

/EC Sales submission to HMRC failed.
By Gateway : Authentication Failure. The supplied user credentials failed validation for the requested service./

all my log in information are okay, I sent my VAT Return via quickfile and it was accepted by HMRC normally.


You need to make sure your VAT online account has the specific service listed for submitting ECSLs. If you log into HMRC and look under services, if ECSL is not listed you should be able to get it added.

Thank you for your reply, but I have listed VAT EC Sales List service for my HMRC account.

Can you try removing the GB prefix from your VAT number in your settings. HMRC can be very particular about how the number is presented. I can’t see anything else wrong with your settings.

Let me know if that works?

Yes, this is it, great, thanks… :grinning:

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That’s interesting to know!

We can definitely address this on our side by just stripping out any GB prefix.