I have just prepared my VAT and submitted my return on-line (I’m not yet on the MTD scheme)
I have checked my VAT return on Quickfile yet the numbers are not aligned to the sales for the period even though the VAT quarter start and finish dates are correct
I exported the invoices for the quarter, and they tally with my own VAT calculation
I am on the Flat Rate Scheme and use Accrual Accounting
I found out how to download the calculations for the Vat Return (at the bottom of the return)
I see that it is using both the current and previous quarters invoices to produce the return ? not sure why it wants to use invoices raised in a previous quarter??
QuickFile will always pull in any invoice that is dated on or after your VAT start date (in settings), on or before the last day of the quarter you’re filing, and not covered by any previous VAT return recorded on QuickFile. This is deliberate as it means if you find a new purchase or invoice you missed in a quarter you’ve already filed, it will automatically be accounted for in the next return.
If this is the first return you’re preparing using QuickFile you need to set your start date in settings to the start of the relevant quarter. If not, you need to make sure you’ve saved all your previous quarters’ returns before preparing this one.