Hi Im really struggling to submit a vat return for the first time. im registered with mtd and everything is set up with HMRC.
They say they cant help and i really need to submit as waiting for a refund so getting desparate.
I have waited 24hrs but keep getting this error message when i try to create a return
can any one help plz?
You are not yet authorised to view this report for the VRN 355246706. Please ensure your VAT number is correct and you have connected the corresponding HMRC Tax Account. If you have recently enrolled on the MTD scheme please allow 24 hours for HMRC systems to update.
Have you definitely received the email from HMRC confirming it’s all set up? They say 24h but it can take longer. Also if you have more than one government gateway account you must make sure you’ve connected the right one to QuickFile (e.g. if you have one for corporate taxes like VAT and a different one for your own self assessment).
Hi thanks for the swift response. yes i had that weeks ago so dont know what the issue is. in the vat setting on quickfile it doesnt give me the option to enter my government gateway id from what i can see but it does have my vat number and correct company name?
If you’re seeing the options to enter your username and password in the VAT suggests, it would suggest you’ve not enabled MTD on your QuickFile account (these aren’t required for MTD).
Would you mind checking if the box to “Enable MTD Filing” is ticked please?
Thanks for this. yes they were entered. i have unticked enable mtd filling as it was ticked then reticked and the username details came up. i have checked and they are right.
The settings don’t really come into play with the MTD filings - it’s the link with HMRC that’s the important part.
If you have 100% been registered for MTD, and received the confirmation, the only other thing that is likely to be causing this error is the HMRC account itself.
Some users have multiple HMRC accounts (e.g. one for VAT, one for Corp Tax, one for Self Assessment, etc.). So it may be worth disconnecting your HMRC account, check it to ensure you do have VAT access on the HMRC website, and then re-link it.
If your VAT number is correct, and your disconnected and reconnected your HMRC account, and you’ve received a confirmation email from HMRC saying you were registered for MTD at least 48 hours ago, then I’m afraid contacting HMRC is the only option.
Make sure you have only one hmrc tax account listed. More than one will throw up an error. You. Need to disconnect them all before trying to re connect your correct details.
You should be directed to the hmrc website. Where you enter the correct login details and link quickfile to your vat account. Once this is done it will direct you back to quickfile. Then the vat returns should work.
Just so I know when you say you tried it. You sucesfully got directed to hmrc where you entered youe details and set it up and then it directed you back?