I already asked but I’m still not sure… Change of VAT period
According to my HMRC VAT details my VAT Return Dates are March, June, September and December. These were changed from Feb, May, Aug, Nov in order to align with the Tax Year. The point was to make a VAT Quarter end on 31 March.
So my current dates are correct if HMRC are saying these are the final months in the quarter. Or I’m wrong if they are - like QF - the month commencing.
If the HMRC dates are the final month then I need to set QF to show the commencing months of Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct.
The short question is:
I want my VAT Quarters to be
Jan Feb, Mar
Apr, May, Jun
Jul, Aug Sep
Oct Nov, Dec
Are my HMRC dates (March, June, September and December) correct. If not what do I need?
Is my QF setting correct?
Currently when I go to create a new VAT Return I still seem to be on my old quarters. @QFSteve said that “The dates and periods shown in the Reports > Vat Returns > Create screen are drawn down from your HMRC tax account and are controlled by HMRC, they would change when HMRC actions your request”. Today I’m shown a new Return for 01 December to 31 January.
I suspect I’ve selected the wrong months at HMRC and need to change them.
Hello @glasgow
“The dates and periods shown in the Reports > Vat Returns > Create screen are drawn down from your HMRC tax account and are controlled by HMRC, they would change when HMRC actions your request”
This is still the case, we have no control over the periods shown. If they are not correct you would need to speak to HMRC
HMRC give the end months, while you set up in quickfile with the beginning months.
For example, my last vat period is for Oct, Nov, Dec with HMRC
In quickfile you would set this up as commencing Jan, April, July, Oct
You should see the correct dates when you look at your vat account within quickfile, I’m shown the following
24C4 1 Oct - 31 Dec which is now to be filled / done
25C1 1 Jan - 31 Mar which will be the next one end of March 25
Thanks @Eddie_B, in which case I’m correct at HMRC.
My next Return is due for the period November, December, January. I’m going to guess this looks wrong as I changed my HMRC dates in November and they can’t implement that until the end of this quarter.
And although I can tell QF my beginning months, the actual VAT Return dates won’t change until HMRC update my request.
I’ll hold tight until the end of this month and see what my next quarter becomes.
Thanks again.