VAT registered today - setting up/reports


I have become VAT registered today under the flat rate scheme. I have set up the VAT Returns pages as per the online guide - ie Cash accounting > Flat Rate > 12%.

However, I seem to have a problem with the report running though. I have run a test using the dates 01/02/14 - 30/04/14, my first VAT return period, and for some reason it is picking up invoices I have issued on 31/01/14 and which have been or will be paid within the next 10 - 12 days. None of these invoices have VAT on them as they are prior to my registration date.

Could someone advise what I’ve done wrong or how I can take these invoices off the VAT return? I’m assuming that these should not be included in the return as they are prior to my VAT registration.


you vat setting are on cash basis not accrual, so any invoice you get paid will be subject to vat report

But surely I am not expected to pay VAT on invoices issued prior to VAT registration?

No if you choose accrual basis. Yes if its cash basis

Okay - understand that but I am on Flat rate from today - the system won’t allow accrual system and automatically defaults to cash system.

you can do manual adjustment on vat return for it