I filed my first VAT return in June using QuickFile and it all seemed fine. I’m on annual accounting, so I’ve been waiting for my final balancing payment, due 30th June, to be taken by HMRC by direct debit as it has been in the past. It seemed late, so I phone them today. They said I should have ticked box 10 on the VAT return to authorise payment via direct debit, but QuickFile didn’t give me a box 10.
I’m now in the position where my payment is late, and I have to risk paying manually and maybe having the direct debit taken as well, plus maybe getting fined for late payment.
Should QuickFile have given me a box 10 option? Has anyone else had this issue?
QuickFile has no control over the Direct Debit. You have to set up the payments etc through HMRC directly. All QuickFile does is supply the values for the VAT return.
The direct debit is set up, since it worked fine last year. My question is, does the HMRC VAT API include a “box 10” option that QuickFile could have presented to me?
Looking at my return as received by HMRC, there is a line below box 9 saying “Balancing amount”. Last year when I filed direct with HMRC, this showed the correct amount i.e. my total liability minus my payments on account. This year, it shows 0. Is this calculated by QuickFile or by HMRC?
I’m not sure if this is relevant to you but when I switched to Making Tax Digital HMRC cancelled my direct debit. I didn’t realise until my payment wasn’t taken. When I asked my bank they checked and told me it was cancelled by HMRC for no apparent reason. I sent a query to VAT office and finally received a reply saying they were having some issues with direct debits after the switch to MTD. It might be worth checking if your bank still has a direct debit set up as if it has been cancelled like mine was you will be safe to make a manual payment. I have had to set mine up again…
Interesting, thanks. I checked with my bank and the direct debit is still set up. Because I’m on annual accounting, I was deferred MTD by a year, so I think I’ve fallen into some kind of limbo where I’m submitting digitally, but not with MTD. Thanks for the tip though
The following forum is commendable.Even I was also looking for this sort of suggestion.The procedures informed are illustrative.Anyways I want to add on that for degistering for VAT,I have gone ahead and accessed my agent login with HMRC to do this following, I have clicked on ‘deregister for VAT’ and got this following message on my screen that:
“Your client has signed up for Making Tax Digital for VAT so you cannot submit their returns using VAT online services”.
However, in order to submit the VAT returns for your client under Making Tax Digital you’ll require the following:
1.An agent services account - this is different to your HMRC online services for agents account.
Secondly,the software that’s compatible with Making Tax Digital for VAT that can link to your client’s digital records
request to check the step by step for the guidance.
Then go ahead and sign in by using your agent services account if you want to: