VAT return filed but incorrect


I submitted a VAT return for the period March to May, but now realise this is incorrect. This was submitted to HMRC and I’ve received a cheque, but didn’t put my sales on the form. I had only placed all of my purchases.

Therefore, I need to submit a new VAT return with my sales, minus my purchases and then pay HMRC

I tried rolling back the VAT return which already shows as ‘filed’ with HMRC, but when I try to create a new return, it will not let me for this time period, as it is already filed.

Please can someone advise how I fix this? I’m calling HMRC to notify them, but need to change this all on quickfile ASAP as this needs to be done by the 7th.

Any help is greatly appreciated

Hi @petercollier,

Rolling back on QuickFile only does this on QuickFile, to roll back with HMRC you would need to contact them to do this, you will be unable to submit a second return for the same period through MTD unless they have re-opened the period for you.

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Hi I submitted my first digital vat return but its been rejected sighting the VRN number as being in correct. I checked and it is the right one so not sure what to do.


Let me send you a private message to get some more info from you.

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