Vat treatment types

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Hi Guys

Please can anyone tell me if Quickfile have vat types as in attached picture or something similar which breaks it down and makes it simple to understand. At the moment in vat types there is 20, 5, 99, 17% and no vat for both national and international purchase/sales.

The issue is that when a client is from Europe, quickfile only has the option to tick the ‘apply vat reverse charge’ box, which is not correct for Eu sales or purchases as they dont fall under the reverse charge vat type. Rather they are separate and have to be filed separately when doing accounts under EC sales/Acquisitions List and vat returns.

Also, I’m curious to know which countries/sectors use 99 & 17% vat?

Thanks in advance

The box labelled “apply reverse charge” in QuickFile actually applies the rules for EC dispatches/acquisitions of goods (the equivalent of “goods to EU customer/from EU supplier”) instead of the reverse charge rules, and there’s no direct support for the actual reverse charge (“services to/from EU” in your terminology) at all, you have to use one of a number of workarounds to handle supplies of services.

This is a long standing bug in QuickFile which catches a lot of people out.

I don’t know where you’re getting the 99 and 17% options from, I only see the usual UK options of no vat, 5% and 20%. There is an advanced setting where you can add more rates but there aren’t any configured by default.


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