View active and archived invoices together

When showing tagged items you get a choice of seeing: Active, Archived or Deleted? Is it possible to see, and analyse both Active and Archived at the same time. Last year is now archived but projects run over more than one year.


Hi @karltonks

Unfortunately there’s no way to viewing them together on QuickFile itself.

However, you can use the ‘Show Tags’ button (top right) to see what tags are allocated to that tag.

The other way to do if you want to speed it up is go to the Projects report, look at the tag, and view the invoices. You will then only view the invoices for that specific tag

Hope that helps!


thanks for the quick reply.

Can you explain: “However, you can use the ‘Show Tags’ button (top right) to see what tags are allocated to that tag.”

In which screen is this available?


No problem!

On the invoices, purchases and estimates screens, there’s a button in the top right to load the tags (pink arrow):

Clicking this reveals tags underneath the invoice itself (black arrow)