Virgin Bank feed not connecting

I am trying to reconnect my Virgin bank feed but when Quickfile sends me to Virgin they can’t verify my details. However I can log in directly through the Virgin website, the process is exactly the same. I assume there must be an issue with the quickfile link. How can I resolve this?

I don’t work for quickfile but my understanding is if the issue is on the virgin page it’s a virgin issue and quick file has no control over it. Does the page look the same? May be its using a different version to what you would use logging in to the bank directly

Hello @SwaleTutoring

I can log in directly through the Virgin website

Does the we direct you to look like the one you use for online banking?

Which option are you selecting when trying to connect the feed?

Have you tried both?


I still cannot connect to my bank feed. Usually I just click on the email from Quickfile and it directs me to Virgin. I put in my password and it connects. This time it hasn’t and it’s now out of date which means the bank feeds aren’t going through.

I’ve contacted Virgin who have no idea what I’m talking about and have redirected me back to Qjuickfile. How can I resolve this.

Hello @SwaleTutoring

You would need to go into Banking > Open Bank Feeds > Connect a bank and connect the relevant feed to provide a new authorisation for QuickFile to access your banks feed.

I have just tried that but it still won’t connect to my Virgin account

Hello @SwaleTutoring


Which option did you select?
Were you able to log in?
Did you get an error message?

I can’t update my virgin feed either!

Hello @DonnaP

Which option did you select?
Were you able to log in?
Did you get an error message?


I am trying to renew my bank feed but when I get to the virgin page it says it doesn’t recognise my password (even though it is correct and I can log into my virgin account ok).


Hello Donna

If the feed is not renewing it may be an issue on Virgins end.

I would reccomend trying to disconnect the feed and setting it up again, that way you will see the standard links (from my screenshot above).

I would also reccomend manually entering the username and password if you are not doing so (rather than a browser auto fill or a password manager.)

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