Voting for Exempt option in the body of purchase invoices

Feature requested
What feature would you like to see in QuickFile?

I really need that in the body of purchase invoice would be added option to add Exempt option , especially for purchase invoices, for example World Pay charges 99.99% all have some exempt and some vat-able amounts.
It would be ideal, if required Vat rate could be added when needed on each line of invoice.

At the moment, Exempt option can be only be applied to whole invoice, I waisted a lot of time to record every invoice twice.

Typical use case
How would this feature be used?

It will be in the pop out list of Vat rates:

How I would expect it to work
To understand how this may work for users, provide some details of how you think it would work. This is completely optional, but it helps our team understand what you are looking for.

Just open a list of all Vat rates and chose needed Vat rate for each line of invoice, and after this invoice can be copied to preserve all settings, where would be needed just change variable values.
I think it will benefit every business who have to work with Vat.

Thank you, I hope QF community will support this add on)