Want to set up one Email address for copy(CC) to send all sales invoices


I have set up one Email address that is creditcontrol@****123.co.uk in all the below fields:

Account Settings------Email Overview-------SMTP Email Settings------Routine Emails

But I am not receiving CC on that email address, instead of that I am receiving CC on Admin Email address only. Then what is the meaning of all those feilds to put Email Address???

Please advice how to receive Email on one particulat Email Id that I have set up as a general.

Hi @Nquery

Can I check if you’re doing this as a logged in user, or if the invoice is sent as part of a recurring profile?

If it’s the former, the situation hasn’t changed since your last post, in that the “CC Me” option will literally send a copy to the logged in user.

If it’s the latter, then a CC copy will go the admin email address.

You’re welcome to create a #feature request for this however, should you wish.

Yes, you can check but I already mentioned you in my last post that through ‘CC Me’ option also, I am not receiving the invoice copy, only admin account is receiving the invoice.

What is the recurring profile?

What is the use of these options?

Even in all other options like Routine Emails, SMTP Settings I have used same Email Id.

But its not working.

I believe you can’t currently do what you are asking.

That is, regardless of who is logged in, or sends an invoice, you want a copy to be sent to one constant cc email address.

It will go to the main admin, or logged in user email.

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Yes, I want a copy to be sent to one constatnt CC email address which I have set up that is creditcontrol one instead of main admin, regardless of who is logged in or sends an invoice.

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