I believe the Lloyds feed at least can be automated. Bear with me - I’l just checking this with a colleague and will come back to you shortly.
With Lloyds, RBS and TSB, you can set it up to use a memorable word rather than using multi-factor authentication. This will allow it to be automated. Please let us know if you need any help with this.
You may find the following useful:
Lloyds: https://www.lloydsbank.com/new_internet_banking_demo/text_only/tours/tour4/stage7.html
RBS: see the second part of this post. You should be able to use a memorable word here too.
Every time you log in to Internet Banking you’ll be asked to enter 3 randomly chosen characters from your memorable information. If your memorable information is “Example123”, character 2 would be x, character 8 would be 1. For more help with memorable information, see the log on / log out section of our demo.