Yodlee Bank feeds support


After I did follow all the steps in order to install the Yodlee Bank feeds none of the transactions has been imported to Quickfile, anyone can help me with this? I’m with Barclays. Thank you

Hi @Mihaela_Carp

I’d like to try and learn a bit more about your situation if that’s OK?

When did you set up the feed? If you manually run it, what’s the process it takes you through - for example, does it ask you for a pinsentry code and a date?


Yes I went through a security authentication, like 2-3 weeks ago

So just to confirm - if you manually refresh the feed now, it does ask you for a pinsentry device code?

Does a manual refresh work all OK (regardless to whether you need the code or not)?

It is not asking me now for pinsentry code but it says no transaction found when I refresh it

I’m not able to locate your account to look into this further. Let me send you a private message for your account number. Please look for a green notification in the top right hand corner.

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