Your HMRC connection is expiring

I’m loosing my mind, I’ve spent half a day trying a million times and reading everything about it.
Someone please help me

I can’t connect my account to HMRC , I’m getting the status FAILED

Hello @l.pricop

If you haven’t dons so already, I would reccomend going into Reports > HMRC and removing any existing connections.

Then try to connect your correct HMRC account.

When you do this what message is displayed?

Under the “Failed” label you see more information on the error, which can include:

  • EXPIRED: The feed has expired and needs to be reauthorised. Feeds are only valid for 18 months
  • Client not Authorised: The HMRC Tax account that is linked isn’t authorised to view data for your VAT number. Please see the “unauthorised” section below.
  • INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: Something isn’t quite right on HMRC’s side and they’ve returned an error to us. You may need to contact HMRC
  • GATEWAY_TIMEOUT: The request to HMRC timed out before the check was completed. Please check for maintenance, otherwise contact HMRC
  • NOT_FOUND: No data has been found for your HMRC account. You will need to contact HMRC to resolve this

Hi Steve, thank you so much for your quick reply.

I’ve tried before and I’ve just tried again one more time, i get the same result.

Hello @l.pricop

Which error from the above is showing?

Client not Authorised

The account you have linked to QuickFile is not authorised to access or file VAT information for the VAT registration xxxx . This error usually occurs due to one of the following reasons:

  • The wrong account has been linked (e.g. a personal tax account rather than the organisation’s tax account)
  • The VAT registration number has not been correctly entered.
  • The organisation is not fully enrolled for Making Tax Digital (MTD)

Hello @l.pricop

Some businesses and individuals have multiple accounts - one for corporation tax, one for VAT, one for self assessment, etc.

The most common cause of this message is the wrong account being linked.

I would completely revoke it (on both QuickFile and HMRC), and relink it as new.

Here is another similar post from the forum

If you are sure all the details are correct and you are still getting the error message you would have to contact HMRC directly as it is not something we have control over.

All we do is try and log into your HMRC account in the background using the details you provided. The errors are returned by HMRC

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