Your Tax Account authorisation may have expired. Please try to remove the existing link and reconnect on the [HMRC Connect page]).
So i reconnected the HMRC, and now it is saying - This is your first VAT Return on QuickFile. We have your VAT Filing Start date set to 01/07/2019 , as such we will automatically bring forward all items from this date up to your VAT period end date 31/12/2020 . If you’d rather prevent earlier items from being included please update your VAT Filing Start date to match the VAT period start date, this can be updated in your [VAT Settings]
This isnt true, and now pulling up everything since that date!!!
How do i get a true VAT recording?? Dont want to file until this is sorted
If you roll back returns this will unlock the locks on the transactions that are created when you create a VAT return. Can I ask why you rolled them back?
You will need to re-save the returns in order to re lock the transactions to avoid them being pulled into the most recent one.
You’ll have to remove the online filing tick from your VAT settings and then generate the returns and save them. (Removing the online filing setting means that they will just be saved rather than trying to send to HMRC). You will need to do this in order from oldest to most recent. But you’ll want to make sure that they match as best as they can to the returns that you have already submitted