Zeroing Holding Accounts

I have 2 holding accounts that I want to zeroise. How do I go about it? Both are from last years accounts and are experimental, so have no significance to this years accounts
Any help would be appreciated

Zeroise? Great word! What is in these accounts? You say they are experimental and not needed for this year, but presumably they were in last year?

They are last years holding accounts. We have found alternatives, so both are not used any longer. For this years P&L and Balance statements they look odd and with such small amounts in it’s best to clear them down if that’s possible.

Then presumably you would reverse the transactions back to where they came from, or if the amounts are still to be held, transfer them onto whatever nominal account you’re now using as an alternative.

Without being able to see it, and not knowing what it was you were ‘holding’ it’s hard to write a clearer answer I’m afraid!

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