Zip Code Error on Card Payment


I have a client that wants to pay by card (using Stripe).

The address on their account was different to the one registered to their card as a result the client gets a zip code incorrect error. (which would be correct)

However, we have changed the address/postcode on both the account and on the invoice to the correct address for the card, but we are still getting the error.

Any ideas what else we can try to resolve this?


Hi Drew,

When they get prompted to enter their Zip code make sure that is the same as the one that the card is registered to.

Other than that, there may be a way to manually authorise the payment or change the rule when in the stripe account?

I would also try clearing the browser cache/cookies as it may be this causing the issue if you have updated the address.

Thanks Beth,

I’ve tried in a new browser, which failed.

The address registered to the card is a new build and I think the postcode/address database may not be up to date.

Hi @neptunemedialtd,

That could very well be the case. I myself moved into a new build nearly 2 years ago and it’s only recently that things have recognised my address. It took 6 months for the DVLA to even register my address!

Have you tried using the previous address? or maybe contacting the bank to ask them to reduce the restrictions?

I’m checking with the client to be sure and also I removed the postcode and address check in stripe in order to process the payment.

I’ve emailed Stripe to see if they can help too


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