Additional supplier email addresses and contacts


I wonder if there is any progress with additional email address for Purchase Orders ?

And here are 2 NEW asks :smiley: :

  1. Would it be possible to save the ‘additional notes’ at the bottom of the Purchase Orders, to use it for the following Orders?

After the Purchase Order has been converted into a Purchase Invoice the ‘additional notes’ seem to not get through, from the Order to the converted Purchase Invoice. Is it anything you could do there please?

  1. And maybe to be able to attach a pdf file to the Purchase Order ?

I need it for subcontractor couriers as they use almost identical, but not always, additional notes, and use values and specific dates that change partially every week. They are quite long notes :smiley:

Thank you much :slight_smile:

Hi @Tina_Sava,

It’s best to keep separate requests to separate #feature posts

I’ve found one with regards to the notes here: Purchase order default additional notes

And here’s one for attaching files: Purchase Orders - Attach files facilty

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Currently in Clients, we can have more than one set of contact details, but in Suppliers we only have one set.

Can we have the same facility to add more than one, please?


Hi @AKeech,

I have moved your post to the thread already asking the same thing to try and keep things in the same place.

I know this has been requested many times before but having the ability to add multiple email contacts for suppliers (as in customers) would be really useful. In this day and age, this functionality is really needed.

This really ought to be something that should have been implemented by now, it’s been requested several times by numerous people over a good few years now. I thought QuickFile listened to their users?

We lease an office from the local council and have a point of contact for the lease, which is stored against the supplier record, and they require us to send a remittance email to a different email once we have made payment by BACs.

At the moment, even though we’re paying for the Power User subscription, we’re not seeing any benefit from this, as we’re still having to carry out manual tasks such as this.

If you’re not listening to your customers/users about the features they actually need, please let us know, so that we can look elsewhere…

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I raised this request in June 2016 and it seemed so simple I thought it would be picked up and done. It would make it consistent with customer records, but more fundamentally, I would be a very useful feature for many to have.

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It really is ridiculous that something so basic and has been requested for so many years hasn’t been implemented. I can’t see how QF (@QFMathew @Glenn ) can wholeheartedly claim to take on board requests when something like this seems to just keep getting ignored. There are legitimate use cases for this…

Hi @Markus_Simpson

Please rest assured we do very much check the feature requests on here. Although some things which may seem basic on the face of it, can be quite complex behind the scenes and require more thought, planning and consideration.

Like many software vendors in our industry, we’ve had various changes to keep on top of which has taken priority - VAT and other changes following Brexit, MTD, open banking, general background updates, and so on.

But, watch this space, and hopefully we can share some news with you soon for this feature :slightly_smiling_face:

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You can now add additional supplier contacts to your supplier records



Thank you so much for implementing this!


Well done for adding this new feature …very much helpful.


Fab news, Thank you :smile: