I am a chartered accountant, and I have (to date) recommended Four of my clients to start using your software.
One has just received an notification of his account exceeding the 1,000 GL entries thus forcing him to purchase the power user subscription.
I am trying to establish which is more cost effective, for him to purchase this, or for me to purchase the affinity package.
So my question is this:
If i sign up for affinity and add all of my clients, will they still have to pay for power user access?
Also, as I recommended 4 of my clients to date, and I plan to add 3 more in the next month, can you apply any discount for this?
If a user’s account is attached to an Affinity profile, then the Power User Subscription becomes optional. It does give the user additional features (there’s a full list here), but it’s not a requirement while they’re attached to Affinity.
Generally speaking, it’s more effective for you to have your clients attached to your Affinity account. This does mean that QuickFile will charge you the Affinity fees rather than your client, but you can either opt to invoice them for this, or cover this fee - that’s entirely up to you. But it does also give you easy access to their accounts (one email address and password rather than multiple) and you can even change the logo and colour scheme of their accounts to match your branding too. The fees are generally lower too (there’s a calculator here)
Affinity is also charged based on account size, and per account rather than a fixed amount. So the more accounts you have, the more you pay (there’s more on that, here). Which brings me around to your discount point.
The good news is, we do offer a discount in the form of 3 tiers based on your monthly spend: