App Market for Paysuite


I have looked everywhere but cannot find the app market so I can setup and connect The Payroll Suite

The help files say help>additional services the Quickfile Market Place but I cannot find this anywhere.

Can somebody please help.



Hi jowest,

Please click on/hoover over Help. Click on Additional Services. On the newly opened page click on the 5th feature QuickFile Marketplace. The 3rd feature on this page is The Payroll Site, click on the green button Connect. You may need a Power Subscription (£45 a year) to use this feature but I’m not 100% sure.
Here is a link to the knowledge page: The Payroll Site - Setup

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I am on my affinity dash board, if i hoover over help, my only options are knowledge base, affinity overview and Quickfile forums. If I go to my own account I don’t even have a help file.



If your account is attached to an affinity dashboard then I don’t think it shows the additional services menu (as Affinity is aimed at accountants where the assumption is that the accountant would offer those services instead of encouraging you to sign up with third parties). But I believe you can still get to them by typing the direct URLs.


Great, thanks i found it :slight_smile:

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