Automatically update notes when converting estimate to invoice

I see this mentioned a lot but there is no feature request for it yet. The answer is always “it’s supposed to do that” which I get, but I think there is a case for it to not do that. I would be willing to bet the case for it being the way it is is the exception rather than the rule. Most people will want the default invoice terms on the invoice, not the default estimate terms. This has lead to delays in payments for me more than once as customers do not get the relevant payment info sent with an invoice.

I am sending an invoice, the default option should be to send the default invoice terms. At least make it a configurable option so I don’t keep sending out invoices with no payment information on them.

I have added my vote to to this feature request but found that I had reached my limit allowed to add a vote and had to remove a vote from another feature request to have a vote available! Only 6 votes placed on current feature requests plus 1 used on an implemented fetaure. The limit of available votes seems rather miserly.

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Nearly 3 years later and anything happening on this yet? Still catches everyone out now and then and the same issues still persist.

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A bit further along again and I’m still having issues with this. Can you at least provide me with some custom script to update the terms when converting the invoice? I started to do something but it seems that not all buttons/actions are created equally so I get stuck reverse engineering every function before getting anything working!

We’re looking into this now. Most likely we will add an account setting that will allow users to switch between preserving the estimate terms or overriding with the invoice terms on conversion.


Any update on this, nearly got me again the other day this issue.

Hello @Lurch

When converting from estimate to invoice you can select to “Let me tweak it first”

This would then create the invoice but allow you to make changes.
Clicking the Import default options for notes/terms would then update the invoice before saving/sending them

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Hi Steve,

I see you’ve updated the title to “implemented” but it isn’t as you haven’t read the actual request. It says “automatically”. The workaround you propose is what we all have to do now as the feature I requested is not implemented.

If you could remove the implemented tag then I don’t have to create a duplicate topic to request this feature again.


Hello @Lurch

The method described above was implemented as not everyone uses basic/default terms, if we automatically took the default invoice terms when converting an invoice, any manual text entered into the box on the estimate would be lost.

Hi Glenn,

This “feature request” for estimates and invoices to keep their default “notes” was raised by @Lurch in August 2019 and still has not been addressed.

Simply, when converting an estimate to an invoice the arrangement should be that the default for each of those documents should be rendered.

This is how we use these defaults;

ESTIMATE Hope to hear from you soon.

INVOICE Thank you for your custom.+ bank details for payment by EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer)

We will continue to amend the “notes” on invoices converted from estimates for the time being, but really this should be fixed.

Regards, Alan

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And if you read my first post in this thread;