Breakdown on invoices

On some invoices I enter a large amount to one account and then do a minus to another account. Some invoices it just shows the net income in the chart of accounts but in a few it has posted the gross to one account and the negative amount to the other account which in theory is what I would like to see. What could I be doing wrong with the others?

Hi @betty

Can I just clarify, when you’re referring to accounts, are these nominal accounts?

If so, if they are different accounts, you should always see the full amount as the discount would be to a different one.

For example, I created this test invoice with £1,000 to General Sales (4000) and -£200 to Discounts Allowed (4009).

In the Chart of Accounts (COA), I can see one entry for each in the relevant nominal.

Although, if I’ve misunderstood you, please let me know!

this is exactly what i mean but for some reason some are appearing in two accounts as would be expected and some are only appearing as a net amount.
Thank you

Hi @Betty,

If you are logging them against the same nominal code, they will show a net value (total minus any negative values). Using this example:

You can see both entries are against nominal 4000 (General Sales). In essence, what the system is doing is saving itself a bit of work with 1 entry rather than 2

Whereas with this invoice:

The discount is against 4009, Discounts Allowed. This has to create a second entry as it’s a different nominal.

In short - it’s the way the system calculates and stores the value that would prevent it from showing the whole amount and the discount in one entry on the COA.

Can I ask what you would need to see it all on the COA for? There may be a better solution I could help with :slight_smile:

I am trying to keep separate what we charged a client, then they paid by credit card. The net amount which appears on the bank statement is the gross minus what charges the credit card company took e.g. for a charge of 234.60 we only received 234.28. So two different categories appear on the invoice - one fees and a minus credit card charges

Hi @Betty

I’m not sure if this would help, but I think if you take a look at this, this would help separate the credit card charges and what you charge the client:

I think if you’re looking at working out the net amount per invoice, perhaps tagging card fees to an individual invoice, and then tagging invoices to a project could help, although bear in mind that this would increase the number of ledger entries you create.

Take a look at this topic for help with project tagging:

Does that help? :slight_smile:

I do understand all your options. My invoices are tagged to a particular project already.But I still do not understand why for some invoices the gross went to the fees account and the credit card charge went to another account and for other invoices it did not break it down.

Thank you

@betty do you have a particular invoice number where you are seeing this?

e.g. invoice ref. 000484 and 000487

Thank you

I checked invoice 000484 and I see two lines on the invoice and the corresponding postings to the nominal codes:

From the invoice preview, you can see the nominal ledger entries:

This invoice breaks down as follows:

On invoice 000487 I don’t see a split, but then on this invoice you have both lines posted to one nominal code so it would NET then total.

Hope that makes sense.

sorry about this.
What is appearing in the show nominal ledger entries is not the same as is appearing on the invoice itself.
Can you see the invoice 000487?

Hi @Betty - are you able to give me your account number please? I’ll then send you a request to have a look at this for you and see if I can see what’s going on

I see that but on invoice 000487 both lines are posted to the same nominal code:

The item name (underlined in red) does not determine the nominal account the lines are posted to.