Clydesdale Bank feed not working following activation

I have a Quickfile account and have successfully activated my account with Clydesdale Bank. I have a messagge that says
" A Direct Feed is now available for this bank"
Please go to the page to connect your bank to QuickFile. Once connected you can return here to link the authorised account to this QuickFile bank account. However it is not working.
Roy Ferris

Hi Roy.Ferris,
What is not working? Can you not connect your bank to quickfile or can you not link the bank feed (which you have to connect to your bank first) to your bank account in quickfile?
May this article helps:

We are aware that Yorkshire Bank are experiencing issues at the moment and I suspect as they’re part of the same banking group, this may also affect Clydesdale.

Can you let me know exactly what happens when you completed the consent screens on Clydesdale? Are you being redirected to the QuickFile homepage?

Yes and then I logon to my account but still same problem. I have contacted the Bank and they say it is a Quickfile problem as the Bank feeds are authorised by them. Roy Ferris

Thanks @Roy.Ferris.

Just to confirm, the issue is on the bank’s side rather than our end. But we’re actively working with the bank to try and get this resolved.

Hi I have just spoken to the Bank and again they claiam the problem is with Quickfile. They confirm that Quickfile is sucessfully acessingn the Bank account and that the download of the transactions is part of the Quickfile software and they are unable to assist with the problem. If you can give a name of the support that you are dealing with they will allow me to speak with that person. Thanks Roy Ferris.

Hi @Roy.Ferris

Unfortunately, I don’t believe the team we deal with aren’t able to deal with customers direct.

To confirm the issue however, to give you a bit of context on the issue, when you try to connect a bank (any bank) through Open Banking, we’ll redirect you to the bank itself to authorise the account. When you authorise the feed, the bank will return you to a specific page which we tell them.

Unfortunately, they’re not using the full link we’re providing to them, which is what’s causing you to see the home page. Due to this, we’re not able to get any of the data they’re supposed to be supplying to let us access your accounts for the feed.

If the connection wasn’t complete (which seems to be the case on your account), then we wouldn’t be able to check the transactions. But if the link is already in place, then this would work fine. It’s the actual authorisation process that the issue is with. But it’s the bank not using the correct return link.

Hi @Roy.Ferris

We have been chasing this issue with CYBG and are awaiting for a response from their technical team. Just to clarify, the consent screens are working correctly on their website however they are incorrectly returning users to our home screen with the authentication code. The code does not get processed correctly as they are routing users back to the incorrect screen.

We’ve supplied all technical info to CYBG and their teams are actively looking into this. We’ll keep you posted with further developments.


@Roy.Ferris We believe Clydesdale bank have now fixed this issue, would you mind retrying and letting us know if that works?


Yes it works now, great news. I made a formal complaint to the Bank and here is a copy of the chat I had online before calling them!!
Hi, I had a live chat yesterday - CHAT STARTED AT
12:17 PM, 07 Jun 2020, with Michael. It was
regarding "I have had problems with linking my
account with Quickfile accounting.

I do apologise it won’t let me raise that for you at
the moment but If you call our Business Banking
Team on 0800 756 0800, available Monday – Friday
8am until 6pm, where a business advisor can assist
you further with this. I apologise for any
inconvenience caused by this.
OK thanks for your time today. Regards and Bye.
I can see by yesterdays chat that a fault was logged
for you. You just need to wait now for the Technical
Team to look into that and get in touch with you. I
do apologise for this.

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