Creating credit notes via API

Hi I’m trying to create a credit note to account for bank charges on an incoming payment, but can’t understand this response

{ "payload": { "Header": { "MessageType": "Request", "SubmissionNumber": "22100682135", "Authentication": { "AccNumber": "61315****", "MD5Value": "3253d590a2********************", "ApplicationID": "9f57263b*****************" } }, "Body": { "InvoiceData": { "InvoiceType": "INVOICE", "ClientID": 6884075, "ClientAddress": { "Address": "123 Test Street
United Kingdom", "CountryISO": "GB" }, "Currency": "GBP", "TermDays": "14", "Language": "en", "Notes": "reference our order 4455", "InvoiceLines": { "ItemLines": { "ItemLine": [ { "ItemID": "0", "ItemName": "Bank", "ItemDescription": "charge", "ItemNominalCode": "7901", "Tax1": { "TaxName": "VAT", "TaxPercentage": "0" }, "UnitCost": "-1", "Qty": "1" }, ] } }, "Scheduling": { "SingleInvoiceData": { "IssueDate": "2022-10-06", "PurchaseReference": "009" } }, "CreditNote":{ "CreditNoteType":"HOLD", "ParentInvoiceId": 25492528 } } } } }
    [Errors] => Array
            [Error] => Array
                    [0] => Refund amount exceeds total paid balance.



Hi @pjh18

Apologies, @pjh18, I missed something with this - the invoice you’re trying to refund doesn’t have any balance paid on it (it’s still outstanding in full), so there’s nothing to refund.

So, in this case, you would use VOID at the CreditNoteType, rather than HOLD.

There’s more info on this here: Creating a Credit Note using the API

Thanks Matthew , I’m trying to ‘pay’ an invoice from a credit - I’ve included “ApplyFromCredit” but it still creates a new payment

    "payload": {
        "Header": {
            "MessageType": "Request",
            "SubmissionNumber": 22100663430,
            "Authentication": {
                "AccNumber": "6131591915",
                "MD5Value": "b38b20553253*************",
                "ApplicationID": "8b43f369-*************************"
        "Body": {
            "PaymentDetails": {
                "Designation": "SUPPLIER",
                "PaymentType": "PAYMENT",
                "PaymentDate": "2022-10-06",
                "InvoiceID": "26222948",
                "DesignatedTo": {
                    "SupplierID": "3528739"
                "Amount": "30",
                "Currency": "GBP",
                "PayMethod": "BACS",
                "BankNominalCode": "1200",
                "ApplyFromCredit": "true",
                "SendConfirmation": "false"
    [Payment_Create] => Array
            [Header] => Array
                    [MessageType] => Response
                    [SubmissionNumber] => 22100663430

            [Body] => Array
                    [PaymentID] => 25523760



Hi @pjh18

I’ve had to defer this to our development team to take a look at this and see if they can advice further. As soon as I hear back, I’ll let you know.

Hi @pjh18

An update which should resolve this issue has gone live. Would you mind giving this another go when it’s convenient, and letting us know how it goes, please?

Thanks Matthew

    "payload": {
        "Header": {
            "MessageType": "Request",
            "SubmissionNumber": 221016104149,
            "Authentication": {
                "AccNumber": "61315******",
                "MD5Value": "8209356165de3cef*************",
                "ApplicationID": "8b43f369-**************"
        "Body": {
            "PaymentDetails": {
                "Designation": "CLIENT",
                "PaymentType": "CREDIT",
                "PaymentDate": "2022-10-16",
                "DesignatedTo": {
                    "ClientID": "6901117"
                "Amount": "150",
                "Currency": "GBP",
                "PayMethod": "BACS",
                "BankNominalCode": "1200",
                "SendConfirmation": "false"
    [Payment_Create] => Array
            [Header] => Array
                    [MessageType] => Response
                    [SubmissionNumber] => 221016104149

            [Body] => Array
                    [PaymentID] => 23375300



still creates a payment
and this a bank receipt

    "payload": {
        "Header": {
            "MessageType": "Request",
            "SubmissionNumber": 221016104919,
            "Authentication": {
                "AccNumber": "61315********",
                "MD5Value": "a25622762aa529*******************",
                "ApplicationID": "8b43f369-***************************"
        "Body": {
            "PaymentDetails": {
                "Designation": "SUPPLIER",
                "PaymentType": "CREDIT",
                "PaymentDate": "2022-10-16",
                "DesignatedTo": {
                    "SupplierID": "3533764"
                "Amount": "30",
                "Currency": "GBP",
                "PayMethod": "BACS",
                "BankNominalCode": "1200",
                "SendConfirmation": "false"
    [Payment_Create] => Array
            [Header] => Array
                    [MessageType] => Response
                    [SubmissionNumber] => 221016104919

            [Body] => Array
                    [PaymentID] => 25640103



Is my input wrong??



Hey Peter. I’m not someone who really understands the stuff you posted lol but it does interest me to a point. Not sure if it changes anything but in your top examples you had an option to applyfromcredit but this isnt in the bottom example. Don’t know if that changes much but just something I noticed

Well spotted - thank you - but it doesn’t actually change the outcome

    "payload": {
        "Header": {
            "MessageType": "Request",
            "SubmissionNumber": 22101765154,
            "Authentication": {
                "AccNumber": "61315*****",
                "MD5Value": "80f2988eb3c8d****************************",
                "ApplicationID": "8b43f369-**************************"
        "Body": {
            "PaymentDetails": {
                "Designation": "SUPPLIER",
                "PaymentType": "PAYMENT",
                "PaymentDate": "2022-10-17",
                "InvoiceID": "26339548",
                "DesignatedTo": {
                    "SupplierID": "3533764"
                "Amount": "30",
                "Currency": "GBP",
                "PayMethod": "BACS",
                "BankNominalCode": "1200",
                "ApplyFromCredit": "true",
                "SendConfirmation": "false"
    [Payment_Create] => Array
            [Header] => Array
                    [MessageType] => Response
                    [SubmissionNumber] => 22101765154

            [Body] => Array
                    [PaymentID] => 25645327



Hi @pjh18

Let me send you a private message so we can take a look into this for you.

You should see a green notification in the top right corner, shortly.

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