CSS Delivery Note adapted as Job Sheet

Made amendments to the default Delivery Note custom/delnote.css to use as a Job Report/Sheet.

At the bottom of the amended delnote appears the name of the trader, which also prints on all Invoices and Estimates (not sure where this is populated from).

How do I remove the trader’s name as this is not required as signature/name/date are printed on the bottom of the form.

Hi @alan_mcbrien

Do you mean the part below the signature? If it’s the part I’m thinking of, this is populated from the Footer Region in Invoice Customisation (‘Appended Text’).

It can be removed however quite easily:

#invoiceFooterHtmlContainer {
    display: none;

If I’m looking at the wrong part however, please let me know.

Found it in Invoice Customisation (‘Appended Text’), moved the details to within Default Invoice Terms and Default Estimate Terms, so the footer is now empty, so did not amend the CSS

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Trying to swap senderAddress and recipientAddress around, so that the Job Sheet can be sent to ourselves (senderAddress) via snail mail. this would be really useful way of printing a report for use on site (and would stop the need for a printer)

Addendum (15.2.17): (Delivery Note adapted as Job Sheet (How To) Delivery Note adapted as Job Sheet (How To)

Depending on your CSS, it may just be the case of swapping the values of the left property over.

For example, just tried with a template I have set up, and I have (parts removed for easy reading):

.senderAddressDetails {
.recipientAddressDetails {

Swapping these should literally swap them in the preview (and hopefully PDF too):

.senderAddressDetails {
.recipientAddressDetails {

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