Error trying to open bank feed with Bank of Scotland

BoS are raising the problem with the IT team. I’ll let you know how that goes. I would send you a screenshot of the error message, but can’t see how to add an attachment.

No problem, BoS will be better placed to find a solution here.

Please let us know how it goes.


Just wondering whether you have had any joy with BoS and setting up your open banking feed

Not yet. BoS said to give it a few days.

ok, keep us posted :crossed_fingers:

BoS have identified a fault and say they are working on a fix. They can’t give me a timescale though.

Thanks for the update @bugtao. Hopefully Bank of Scotland will get this resolved soon!

I got the same message when I tried to link to a Barclays account. However there’s a simple alternative which works better for me. If you select Other Bank instead of the named banks, you can copy in the transactions from a csv file. So you just need to download your bank statement into a csv file and then copy it into your Quickfile current account. It’s better for me because (a) I like to change the rather formulaic Barclays transaction descriptions into something more meaningful and (b) I need to split some of the bank transactions into more than one Quickfile transaction. It’s easier to first sort everything out in the spreadsheet and then copy into Quickfile.

Thanks Derek, that sounds like a good way of doing it. However, I cannot find where you can select an “other” bank.

It seems this topic will automatically close shortly. Is there a way to keep it open until the issue is resolved?

Hi @bugtao

I’ve extended this for you. We can easily extend it further if needed.

What @Derek_Smith was referring to, was using a .csv download from your online banking account and uploading it manually rather than using a feed. This is where the “Other” option comes into play.

To Bugtao (odd name!). ‘Other’ is at the bottom of the ‘Please select your bank’ dropdown list that has Barclays and Alliance Leicester at the top.

To Mathew. I’m the pensioner who called at your Accountex stand for help with my charity accounts. Your advice was just what I needed and I’m now using Quickfile a lot better. Thanks again

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@Derek_Smith - I remember you! Glad to hear the advice was helpful! Please don’t hesitate to let us know if we can help further :slight_smile:

My drop-down list has Barclays at the top then Bank of Scotland and 7 other banks, but no “other”. I’ve looked at the Import Data function, but there doesn’t seem to have anything for bank statements. Maybe it’s because I’m using the mobile site.

@Derek_Smith is talking about something completely different, the option to upload a CSV file of transactions from your local machine into QuickFile rather than the bank feed option where QuickFile pulls the data directly from the bank.

Yes, but how do you do that.

Hi @bugtao,

The step-by-step guide for uploading a bank statement can be found here: Importing your bank statement

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Thanks Beth. I have now managed to import my statement. It worked perfectly. Maybe I don’t need to use the open banking feed now!

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The open bank feed is still not working. Is there anything QuickFile can do?

Hi @bugtao

I believe this may be the same issue raised in the Lloyds thread, in which case unfortunately, the issue is on Lloyd’s website and out of our control.

You may wish to monitor this thread for updates: Lloyds bank feed not activating