Estimate terms don't change when converted to invoice

May have found a bug or it could be user error, I did the following…
Set default payment and estimate terms
Make an estimate and sent by email
Estimate accepted
Converted it to an invoice and sent via email
It still has the estimate default text and not the invoice payment terms.

If I click tweek it before creating the invoice and press the import default text link, it shows the invoice payment terms in the box, but when I make the invoice and email it the estimate text is back.



Hi David,

This isn’t a bug - it’s done that way for a reason. You may want to read @Glenn’s post here:

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Yep I did that and it shows the text in the box, but then when I send the invoice it’s got the estimate text back on it and not the text that was in the box.



I think I know why. After importing those default payment terms hit SAVE not PREVIEW.

Preview doesn’t detect the change and just redirects you to the preview screen without updating, clicking SAVE forces it to update. Ideally it should detect the change and save for you so I’ve passed this over to a dev.

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