Export full search results, not just visible sub-selection

Currently, I can only export data (from bank record as an example) that I can add a tick mark against. However, I can only tick the search results that are on the current sub-selection. If there are more than the current max of 150 visible at once, i would have to export and stitch together multiple sub-selections.

Could we please have a feature to export the entire found set… or allow a ‘tick all’ from the found set to include those on subsequent result pages. (A bit like in gmail when you empty your spam, and it asks if you if you want to include all emails that are outside those limited by your current sub-selection).

Appologies if this is already possible but I am just being thick…


I once mentioned something that was a possible workaround for this. Take a look here:

Sorry if this isn’t what you meant.

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Thank you very much for the tip - that does the trick! :slight_smile:

I thought this was a proper solution - but in fact, for my needs it isn’t… as exporting your current account in this fashion, will combine all your ‘current accounts’. In my case, my business has a business savings account too, and this is exported with the main bank account data. It isn’t distinguishable from within the data… ie, there is no column for which bank account the transaction is within. So - I’m back with the initial problem.

Many thanks for the tip though.

Hi @odc

Are you able to tell us a bit more about your scenario? For example, what exactly are you trying to export? Is there a particular reason?

If we understand the situation a bit better, hopefully we can point you in the direction of a way to achieve this.

Wow - that was a quick response - I was just coming back to edit (or delete) the previous comment, because I had made a mistake. Apologies for posting too quickly (and being a bit thick). I had been looking at an old balance sheet date, so my savings account wasn’t showing, and jumped to the wrong conclusion. I will edit the earlier comment to flag my error.

Elsewhere within Quickfile, when you view a date range, the export data button has a dropdown, giving you the option of exporting the results within the data range, or only those selected. Something like that would be very useful on the bank statements pages.

Many thanks

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