I was looking to see what was out there in the way of accounting programs, especially any that natively support MTD as my accounting program does not.
I looked at every website listed on HMRC and discounted 95% of the programs leaving me with a few to look at. Eventually I decided to review your program on the basis that it had the personal touch and small community feel that my program has and the program focused on simplicity for business users like myself.
I will be purchasing your Making Tax Digital Bridging program, but will continue to use my current accounting program and I thought that I would explain why.
I quite liked the documentation, high quality support and reasonable pricing that I see on your website so I am happy to support you for the MTD Bridging software.
What I liked about your program:
Fast - a lot of online programs are very slow so your program is impressive from that point of view.
Great Support - You and my accounting program really stand out from the crowd
Status of Quotes - You are able to archive, delete and convert quotes. Something that my accounting program still lacks and something I really want.
Adding Links to LHS - My program does this in a different way, but your method is quite good as well. Really good idea.
Simple to use - Like my accounting program, very simple to use. This is probably the most important feature. Although my program is even more simple to use!
Create Suppliers/Customers on the fly - The ability to create customers, suppliers, sales inventory from within purchase and sales invoices is brilliant and something that my program still can’t do!
What I did not like about your program:
No Inventory Module - My current program has an inventory module that allows me to buy and sell that inventory and track status of inventory - on hand, delivered etc. It’s not just delivery notes, but allowing me to see where the Inventory is using the delivery module. For me selling IT Equipment, this is essential and I I cannot manage without this.
No Budgeting Report - My current program has this and I consider it to be a necessity in an accounting program
No blank Setup - My program is very modular in that I can add the modules I want such as inventory, payslips, employees etc. In addition, the chart of accounts only creates about 10 default accounts (to give you an idea of what sort of accounts you need to create), but you can delete these accounts and start from scratch basically. This means for example if you want to use the program for your personal finances, you don’t have sales invoices, payroll etc which is irrelevant to personal finances. Whereas my business account will include inventory, employee etc modules. By only including the modules that you actually need and allowing users to practically build chart of accounts from scratch you can customise the program to show only what you want and how you want it. My accounting program has a lot of custom field functionality and ability to arrange the chart of accounts unlike any other program that I have seen.
Gui Interface - I would not say that you have too much clutter, compared to some programs I have seen, but there are too many items in menus (also in a very unintuitive order) and some of the stuff on the dashboard I don’t need there like creating new clients for example. Not something I am going to be doing frequently in my line of work. I couldn’t work out how to customise the dashboard to only show what I want and getting rid of petty cash, credit cards etc that I don’t need is also a problem. My program requires you to create bank accounts etc, instead of trying to work out how to delete unwanted accounts. This ties in with blank setup point above. It’s much better to require customers to create the accounts (like bank accounts) that they need instead of being unable to delete unwanted things in the program.
I hope that this feedback is helpful as this is meant to be constructive criticism to aid you in improving your program. I did like a lot of things about your program, but it made me realise what a great product my current accounting software is and I will be staying with them, whilst using your MTD Bridging Software! Thank you