Hi team,
I am trying to extract list of Purchase Orders raised but don’t want to see the VAT amount.
Is there any report in “Quick File” (Affinity) can get me a report with list of Purchase Orders without VAT?
In other words I am looking for “Supplier” report which shows me how much we paid to each supplier (excluding VAT).
Hi @akeshani
Just wanted to check - do you mean Purchase Orders, or Purchase Invoices?
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Hi @QFMathew,
I believe so. Receipt numbers for each one of them begins with QF.
Purchase orders or purchase invoices?
@Paul_Courtier Purchase Invoices (excluding VAT)
Hello @QFMathew
Your response on this is much appreciated.
I’m not sure if there is a single report that will show you that in the web UI, but if you have an account backup available then the information is there in the Purchase_Invoice.csv
file - if you can open it in something like Excel/Numbers/Google Sheets then you should be able to sort by supplier name and then add sub-totals to the “total net” column at each change of supplier, or use a pivot table.
Thanks @ian_roberts
How can I get back up?
Hi @akeshani
There’s more details on how to create a back-up, here: Create a data backup schedule