How do I access Mettle Bank Feed

I’ve signed up a new account and started the trial for the bank feed for Mettle.

However when you choose link to connect a bank Mettle doesn’t appear on the list. The supported feeds page showed it as supported but the drop down to link doesn’t display it.

Anybody else know how to get this option to appear?

Hi @caveman

I’ve just replied to your private message and enabled this for you :slight_smile:

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I also use Mettle - how do you enable this feed?

Hi, create a Mettle Bank bank account in quickfile. Make sure you select Mettle Bank in the drop down menu.
After that open the account and click option and Bank feed. Then click create new feed and follow the steps.
If you need more info click here:

Hope that helps

Hi @adrian_sadler1

Let me send you a private message and enable this for you :slight_smile:

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