How do I link a Bank Feed Entry and a Credit Card Feed entry without getting duplicates?

My QF auto-downloads my Bank entries and Credit Card entries.

I use a bank debit card to pay for my credit card.

Subsequently, from the feeds, this results in a credit to my credit card account on one date and a debit from my bank account on a later date, each with their own different downloaded descriptions.

If I tag either it doesn’t pick up a matching amount in the other and so creates a new entry, resulting in a second entry in the target feed with the same date and description as that in the source feed.

If I tag both the Bank and Credit Card entries I end up with two entries in each, with different dates and descriptions!

What I don’t understand is that if I look at previous months I see there are matched/tagged entries, and each has its own original downloaded description - so it seems I didn’t have to intervene and delete any second entries then.

But, with what is happening this time, it seems the only solution is to delete one of the feed entries (which I am all but certain I have not done in previous months) - and, a minor point, but then the date and description on one of the entries in QF no longer matches the date on its original statement.

FYI, the latest dates from the feeds are Credit Card, 29th September and Bank, 3rd October. That’s only 4 days apart, so I’m assuming the max 5 days difference should have caught that?

Where am I going wrong, please? Is it me? Or is it a QF anomaly?


Hello @Paul-UK

I did find the below post in the forum which may help.

@Paul-UK, as @QFSteve suggests, have a look at that post for which I was the OP.

I now wait until the payment shows on my Credit Card feed then mark it as a transfer and find both Current Account and Credit Card accounts show correctly with only a single transaction each!

Thanks for the input @QFSteve and @glasgow . :+1:

I have dealt with the latest one via the intermediate holding/suspense account as suggested.

The curious thing is that I have not had to do this before. The only difference I can see is that, because of a weekend, there are 4 days between the 2 auto feed updates, whereas previously it has only been 2 days.

Credit Card - Bank
3/7 … 5/7 - no problem
1/8 … 3/8 - no problem
5/9 … 7/9 - no problem
29/9 … 3/10 - had to use an intermediate account

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