How well does QuickFile work for Amazon third-party sellers (FBA)?

Hi there. About to take the plunge and start using accounting software for the first time (been paper-based up to now!) Prompted largely by HMRC’s Making Tax Digital initiative/rules.

Anyway, vast majority of our sales come through Amazon - we are a third-party seller (aka Fulfilled By Amazon). How easy is it to use QuickFile for businesses that have a lot/most of sales via Amazon? Any tips for a newbie? Many thanks.

Hello @PJ11

Welcome to QuickFile :slight_smile:

There are a few options to entering data into QuickFile, but I believe the best approach for a business such as yours would be either to import sales on a regular basis (e.g. weekly) and re-create the invoices within your QuickFile account, or bulk-enter sales.

Bulk entering sales would likely to be the most efficient approach as it would require you just creating one invoice to represent sales within a period. So you could create a new invoice each week for example (or even day if you sales volume is high). This invoice would be assigned to a generic client such as “Amazon Sales” or “Daily Takings”.

Both of them have their pros and cons - it depends on how much data you want in your QuickFile account and your own processes.

These guides may also help:

Though you will have to adjust this if a particular customer asks you for a VAT invoice (deduct their sale from the bulk invoice and then create a separate invoice specifically for them).


Thank you for this really helpful information.

Thank you for this reply. This is a really helpful start for me as a newbie. Also taking into account the other comment that followed yours. Time for me to make a start…


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