If you’re looking for a quicker way to enter your invoices, then you may want to use the multi-invoice entry form. This tool works more like a spreadsheet and allows you to input just the date, description, VAT (Where applicable) and total amounts. You can enter up to 50 invoices in one go. The multi-Invoice form is available for both sales invoices and purchase invoices.
Affinity users will also get a more powerful version of this form allowing for different clients/suppliers and nominal codes to be set for each entry. You can register and find out more about QuickFile Affinity here.
How to get started
In this example we will enter some invoices for a client. The process is much the same for suppliers. First let’s locate the client we are interested in, we can perform a quick search on the dashboard.
On the client detail screen click the ‘Create New…’ button and select ‘Bulk Purchase Entry’. You will be presented with a form where you can enter each invoice on an individual line.
- You can change the client, the category (nominal code) or the currency by editing the grey boxes.
- Simply enter all the information for your invoices and click on the save button when you are ready. You can save time by clicking the down arrow on each column to copy your data to the line below.
- You can flag these invoices as paid by checking the paid button and then specifying which account the funds were paid into. This will lodge a matching payment inline with the invoice.
Don’t forget you can use the same process described above for purchase invoices. Simply locate the supplier and follow on from step 2.
Advanced data entry options for Affinity and Power Users
If the account you’re working on is linked to an Affinity account or you have an active Power User Subscription, then you will see two additional columns where you can enter specific clients/suppliers and nominal codes for each line. This should speed up entry when there’s a requirement to work on multiple clients/suppliers at the same time. By default the client, supplier and nominal codes are set to be the same for all entries.
If you don’t have an Affinity account you can register one here, you will then be able to link multi QuickFile accounts to a single dashboard. If you don’t need to manage multiple accounts but just want the ability to enter multiple invoices with different clients/suppliers then the Power User Subscription will give you this and much more.