Importing Foreign Currency Invoices from a CSV


I have created Euro Bank accounts on quickfile, for Amazon Sales , eg Amazon France Holding Account.

I have just tried to import some sales using csv, and received an error message that this is only possible for accounts with GBP.

Is there possibly any workaround with this?

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I’m afraid there’s no way to import foreign currency sales from a CSV right now. You can instead create your sales invoices directly from the bank using the tagging system (you can also do this in bulk). Another option if your entering sales related predominantly to one client is to use the multi-invoice entry tool.

EDIT - 10th October 2016

This is something that we can look into if there’s sufficient interest.

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I am interested. :slight_smile:

Thanks @Glenn

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@Bugsy @expertoswp

I’m pleased to say that we now support the importing of foreign currency sales and purchase invoices from a CSV spreadsheet.

We have introduced two new columns accordingly:

Currency - The 3 character ISO code for the currency you’d like to import with (e.g. USD, EUR, CHF etc)

Exchange Rate - The exchange rate you’d like applying to the invoice, if this is left blank then the rate will be sourced from based on the issue date of the invoice.

Just a couple of other pertinent details

  • If invoices are flagged as paid then the same exchange rate will be applied to the invoice and the payment, so no currency loss or gains for now.
  • Again with paid invoices the payment bank account must either be denominated in the same currency as the invoice or GBP. We do not support cross currency transactions, e.g. a USD invoice paid into a EUR bank account.

Hopefully this will allow you to work a little faster in foreign currencies!

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This is a big improvement for my workflow. Thank you very much!

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